The series “The Myth of Choice” has evolved from my recognition of the false dualities that are so much a part of our life and culture. Who we really are is acceptance and wholeness without separation. Research in quantum physics has reaffirmed what Spiritual Masters for centuries have taught – that everything we perceive is all one energy expressed at different vibrations. I have borrowed the phrase “The Myth of Choice” from contemporary master Jeff Foster who presents a non-dualistic- “fresh encounter with life as it is”. Everything is connected and “is” – even the ubiquitous Styrofoam packaging that protects computers and other electronics. This series is an attempt to propose this by allowing for the potential reconciliation by the viewer of these apparently jarring incongruities.
This work comes from experiments since 2011 where I have explored the peculiar look of packaging that is used to protect electronics. This material which acts as an exoskeleton, is also a kind of negative imprint of the various electronic goods. Seeing the strangeness in the commonplace has been a theme throughout my photographic career. I find this type of subject endlessly fascinating just because it is such a common part of our consumer culture and reveals, in its own way, the esteemed value that we place in these products.
All works are archival pigment prints on Epson Ultrasmooth Fine Art paper using the latest Epson HDR pigment based inks.
Digital rights are copyrighted but one time use is available. If interested in digital rights, please contact Eric to make an inquiry.